Observer News


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Mosquito Monday Challenge Update - 16 August 2021
Keep it up, there are only 10 days left in the challenge! Read the latest updates for the Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge.  >>

Mosquito Monday Challenge Update - 09 August 2021
We're about halfway through the Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge. Read the latest news updates for the challenge!  >>

Is That a Mosquito Habitat?
A picture could be worth a thousand words. But can we use computers to tell us which words describe the content of photos?  >>

Mosquito Monday Challenge Update - 02 August 2021
See the latest Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge news one week into the data collection challenge.  >>

Mosquito Monday Challenge Update - 26 July 2021
Read the first Mosquito Monday Challenge update, after the Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge kicked off on July 25.  >>

New Features on the GLOBE Observer App are Now Available!
Monday, 12 July marked the release of a number of changes and additions to the GLOBE Observer app. For GLOBE Observers, the app includes a redesign of the Mosquito Habitat Mapper app (in time for the upcoming Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge – 25 July to 25 August).  >>

Join the GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge!
This July/August, The GLOBE Program invites you to take part in our latest challenge, the Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge.  >>

Machine Learning and Your Citizen Science Data
Have you ever wondered what happens after you submit your GLOBE Observer data? Citizen science data has many applications and is also incredibly important for scientists who are working in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).  >>

PRESS RELEASE: Using Citizen Science and AI to Track Deadly and Invasive Mosquitoes
A new project led by the University of South Florida in partnership with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars' Science and Technology Innovation Program (STIP), The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seeks to develop a better mosquito population tracking solution.  >>

Join GLOBE Observer at NASA CitSciCon
Imagine all the fun of Comic-Con, only with fewer costumes and a more sciency, save-the-planet, get-everyone-doing-science kind of vibe and you have NASA’s inaugural CitSciCon, a virtual event on May 21 and May 22.  >>

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