
Observer News

Adopt a Pixel 3 km

On November 18, 2021,  Dr. Russanne Low, Peder Nelson, Cassie Soeffing, Andrew Clark and the 2020 cohort of SEES Mosquito Mappers Research Team published a new peer-reviewed article in Frontiers in Climate, titled “Adopt a Pixel 3 km: A Multiscale Data Set Linking Remotely Sensed Land Cover Imagery with Field Based Citizen Science Observation.”

This data report documents Adopt a Pixel 3 km, a method for systematically collecting GLOBE Land Cover and Mosquito Habitat data with the GLOBE Observer app and classifying correlating high resolution satellite imagery. It documents data collected and analyses done by 74 high school research interns participating in the STEM Enhancement in Earth Sciences summer research experience.

Animation showing a map of the locations of the Areas of Interest, followed by a sequence showing the progression: a 3x3 km Area of Interest has 36 Primary Sample Units on a grid 500 m apart. Within the 100x100 m grid of the Primary Sample Unit, very high resolution satellite imagery is characterized on a dot grid 10 m apart. Ground reference photos are collected using GLOBE Land Cover, and GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper data when habitats are present.

Read the paper here.

Low, R.D., Nelson, P.V., Soeffing, C., Clark, A., SEES 2020 Mosquito Mappers Research Team. (2021) Adopt a Pixel 3 km: A Multiscale Data Set Linking Remotely Sensed Land Cover Imagery with Field Based Citizen Science Observation. Frontiers in Climate, 18.


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A graphic showing silhouettes of two people taking observations with their phones. They are standing between water with mosquito larvae in it, grass, trees, and clouds, which represent the tools within the GLOBE Observer app.

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