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NASA GLOBE Observer’s Weekly Roundup: 1-7 January 2017

Clouds with sun.

Happy New Year, everyone. Make some plans for your week, for your year and be sure to include #NASAGO. A few things to explore in this week's roundup.

1. IMAGE OF THE WEEK: This image is of clouds over the southern Indian Ocean and was acquired by one of the northward-viewing cameras of the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument on NASA's polar-orbiting Terra spacecraft. Yi-Chun Chen is one scientist who studies clouds over the Earth's oceans.  Learn more about her and her research in the link below.

2. SHOWER: The morning of 3 January will be the peak of the Quadrantids.

"The Quadrantids, which peak during early-January each year, are considered to be one of the best annual meteor showers. Most meteor showers have a two day peak, which makes catching sight of these other meteors much more possible. The Quadrantids peak, on the other hand, is much shorter -- only a few hours. (The reason the peak is so short is due to the shower's thin stream of particles and the fact that the Earth crosses the stream at a perpendicular angle.) During its peak, 60 to as many as 200 Quadrantid meteors can be seen per hour under perfect conditions."

3. FIRST: Thursday is the 125th Anniversary of the first photo of the aurora borealis. The photographer was Martin Brendel. Learn more and see the photograph in the first link below. See other images of auroras from NASA in the second link.

4. UPDATE: The GLOBE Program's cloud protocol is getting an update in January. Stay tuned and learn more in the below. 

5. PHOTOS: Check out last week's favorite cloud observation submissions on our Facebook page. And don't forget to share your favorite photos with us by tagging us on Facebook and Twitter: #NASAGO. 

EXTRA: 52 years ago on 4 January author and poet T.S. Elliot passed away.  The below is one of my favorite quotes from him.  

"We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

Each day, one after the other, we can all be explorers. 


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A graphic showing silhouettes of two people taking observations with their phones. They are standing between water with mosquito larvae in it, grass, trees, and clouds, which represent the tools within the GLOBE Observer app.

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