
Observer News

GLOBE Eclipse Tool - Available Now!

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Most people who live in North, Central, or South America will experience an annular or “ring of fire” eclipse on 14 October 2023! On this day, the Moon will move between the Earth and Sun, blocking all but a glowing ring of light for several minutes. What happens in the atmosphere when the Moon blocks the Sun’s light, even briefly? GLOBE invites everyone to help answer that question by recording changes in temperature and sky conditions on 14 October, even if you are only experiencing a partial eclipse. The updated GLOBE Eclipse tool is available in practice mode now in the app! (Visible to users in North, Central, and South America.)

Button for the Eclipse tool in the app with the text "Now in practice mode, live on 10/14/2023"

This video below goes through the steps to participate in data collection, from selecting an air temperature thermometer to setting up the GLOBE Observer app, as well as how to watch the eclipse safely (you will need solar viewing glasses or an indirect viewing method throughout the entire event.)


During an eclipse, citizen scientists are able to:

Your observations during an eclipse can help us better understand our atmosphere, as described by GLOBE Clouds project scientist Marilé Colón Robles and Dr. Brant Dodson in the short reel below, and in the longer blog post An Astronomical Atmospheric Experiment: A Backyard Astronomer's Guide to Experiencing a Solar Eclipse.


We hope you will join us in collecting data on 14 October 2023!

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A graphic showing silhouettes of two people taking observations with their phones. They are standing between water with mosquito larvae in it, grass, trees, and clouds, which represent the tools within the GLOBE Observer app.

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