
Observer News

Eclipse Tool Now in GLOBE Observer

Two screenshots of the GLOBE Observer app. The first screenshot shows the app home screen with the Eclipse tool as an option for data collection. The second screenshot shows the Eclipse tool home screen. A small banner on the Eclipse tool screen reads now in practice mode. Live on 1 April 2024.

The GLOBE Eclipse tool is now available in the GLOBE Observer app. If you live in an area that will experience the 8 April solar eclipse, the Eclipse tool is now visible to you. Between now and 1 April, the tool will be in practice mode, which means that you can explore the tool and practice entering land cover, cloud, and temperature data. Your cloud and land cover observations will go into the GLOBE database as usual. Temperature observations will not be stored while in practice mode.

On 1 April, the Eclipse tool will transition to live mode, at which time all data entered can be submitted and stored. We encourage you to try out the Eclipse tool before the eclipse on 8 April so you are prepared to take observations during the eclipse.

On 9 April, GLOBE Eclipse will transition to review mode. In this phase, you can still review your data, but you cannot enter new data. During this period, please submit all eclipse data to GLOBE by tapping on the graph icon in the lower left corner of the home screen, then click submit data. The Eclipse tool will be retired on 8 May. After that point, you can find your data under “My Observations” and in the GLOBE database.

After the eclipse, we invite you to continue to participate in GLOBE by collecting data with GLOBE Clouds, Mosquito Habitat Mapper, Land Cover, or Trees. Thank you for volunteering!


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A graphic showing silhouettes of two people taking observations with their phones. They are standing between water with mosquito larvae in it, grass, trees, and clouds, which represent the tools within the GLOBE Observer app.

View more GLOBE Observer news here.