News - GLOBE Observer
Earn Badges and Set Streaks while Using the GLOBE Observer App

To help you keep track of your contributions to GLOBE and to show our appreciation for you, we have added a new My Achievements section to the GLOBE Observer app.
This new feature shows milestone badges and streaks for all data you have submitted to GLOBE (since 1995). You can access My Achievements from the GLOBE Observer home screen

You can earn your first “milestone badge” once you submit your first observation. You will see a badge when you reach each milestone as well as a muted badge showing you the next milestone badge you can earn along with a bar showing how close you are to earning it. You will also receive an email with your badge for each milestone you earn. (You are welcome to opt out of receiving emails in your GLOBE account settings. To do so, tap on the gear on the GLOBE Observer home screen. Select Opt-In/Opt-Out Settings.)

Milestone badges are awarded at intervals of 1-5-10-25-50-75-100-150-200-250-300-400+
You can also earn “streaks” by making observations for two or more days in a row. The longer you submit daily data, the larger your streak will become. Streaks are represented by a yellow star, which will appear only when you have achieved at least one streak. You’ll see how long your current streak is and the length of your longest streak to date for each protocol. Recognizing that many GLOBE volunteers are students, we have also added in a grace period of two days: You can miss submitting data on Saturday and Sunday without breaking a streak.

Your streaks and a count for the total number of observations you’ve submitted are also shown on the home screens for clouds, mosquito habitat mapper, land cover, and trees.
The home screen for each GLOBE Observer protocol also displays
your current and longest streaks for that protocol with one star
representing the current streak and two starts representing your
longest streak.
View more GLOBE Observer news here.