
Observer Events

Students gather around a dish of water on the floor in one photo. A second photo shows a teacher with a phone in her hand  instructing students.

Webinars Presented in English and Spanish – GLOBE Mission Mosquito

Date: 11/15/2023 - 11/15/2023
Time: 2:00 pm ET - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Virtual

Join the GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Mission Mosquito team for a webinar featuring Dr. Nikki Grant-Hoffman, education specialist and citizen science co-lead for the Bureau of Land Management Headquarters. Dr. Grant-Hoffman will discuss how her work as an ecologist has helped her shape a project that uses GLOBE as a citizen science educational tool in Central America.

La Dra. Nikki Grant-Hoffman ha trabajado como ecolotista, y ella esta trabajando como especialista de educación y co-dieroctora de cencia ciudadana para el Bureau of Land Management. Ha estado trabajando con la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Costa Rica como becaria científica de la Embajada en este projecto.

These webinars will be presented at 2 PM ET in Spanish and 2:30 PM ET in English.

