
Observer Events

A graphic showing a grasshopper on a blade of grass in front of an eclipsed Sun. Text reads Eclipse

NASA Eclipse Soundscapes Training

Date: 03/18/2024 - 03/20/2024
Time: 4:00 pm ET - 5:00 pm ET
Location: virtual

How does life on Earth, specifically wildlife, respond to solar eclipses? That is the question NASA Eclipse Soundscapes is studying during the 8 April total solar eclipse. They are collecting multi-sensory observations and sound recordings during the eclipse and will recruit volunteers to help analyze the data after the eclipse. They are especially interested in data collected at the same location as GLOBE Eclipse temperature and cloud data. If you would like to volunteer to write down what you notice during the eclipse (Observer) or record animal sounds (Data Collector), Eclipse Soundscapes invites you to a virtual training to learn how to collect data. 

The Observer training is 18 March at 4 pm ET.

The Data Collector training is 20 March at 4 ET.
