
Observer Events

Graphic showing the silhouettes of people looking up at the Moon in the sky, with the text "observe the Moon" in multiple languages.

International Observe the Moon Night

Date: 10/21/2023 - 10/21/2023

Saturday, October 21 is International Observe the Moon Night! It’s a day each year when everyone on Earth is invited to observe, learn about, and honor our cultural and personal connections to the Moon. It’s a time to catch up on what’s been happening in lunar science and exploration, celebrate the Moon in arts and culture, and connect with lunar enthusiasts worldwide. This event takes place when the Moon is close to first quarter, as it’s a great phase for evening observing. Last year, over one million people participated in 125 countries and all 7 continents.

Get Involved!

  • You can participate in International Observe the Moon Night from wherever you are. Host or attend  a virtual or in-person event at your park or in your community, or observe with your family, friends, or on your own.
  • Register your participation to add your event, or yourself, to the map of lunar observers. (Registering a public event lets people find it; private events are added without specific location information.)
  • Tune into the NASA TV Broadcast and see live-streams of the Moon from telescopes around the world on our Live Streams page.
  • Connect online to share your experience and find out how others are participating through the program Flickr group or your preferred social media platform, using the hashtag #ObserveTheMoon.

Find creative observing suggestions, hands-on activities, shareable graphics, Moon Maps made especially for International Observe the Moon Night 2023 (in both northern and southern hemisphere versions), and more on
