
Observer Events

Fall Cloud Observation Data Challenge

Date: 10/15/2019 - 11/15/2019

The NASA GLOBE Clouds Team at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA is excited to announce the NASA GLOBE Clouds Fall Data Challenge. Participants are invited to enter up to 10 observations per day of clouds, dust, haze or smoke from October 15, 2019 to November 15, 2019. Participants can enter their data using any of GLOBE’s data entry tools including the clouds tool on the GLOBE Observer citizen science mobile app. As a reward, the GLOBE and GLOBE Observer participants with the most observations will be congratulated by NASA scientists with a video posted on the NASA GLOBE Clouds website. Only those that enter their cloud observations using the GLOBE Online Data Entry website, GLOBE Data Entry app, or the GLOBE Observer app will be considered.


Visit the Fall Cloud Challenge page for more information
