Events - GLOBE Observer
Celebrate Earth Day with NASA’s GLOBE Observer
Learn how your library can celebrate our planet on Earth Day and beyond through NASA’s GLOBE Observer (GO) citizen science project. Library patrons can contribute to NASA Earth science by downloading the free GO app, observing the sky, and contributing their observations to this international program. GO cloud observations are helping NASA scientists understand clouds from below (the ground) and above (from space). Clouds play an important role in transferring energy from the Sun to different parts of the Earth system. Because clouds can change rapidly, scientists need frequent observations from citizen scientists.
In this interactive webinar, library staff will meet with a NASA scientist, Jessica Taylor, and educators, Sarah McCrea and Dorian Janney, to learn:
- Why observing clouds and sky conditions is important to NASA
- How NASA’s GLOBE Observer citizen science observations contribute to NASA science
- How to do sky observations with the easy-to-use GLOBE Observer app: identify satellite overpass times, photograph clouds, record sky observations and compare them with NASA satellite images
- What resources are available to support library programming on Earth Day 2017 and beyond