
Observer Events

An artist’s rendition of a satellite view of the ocean covered with swirling clouds. Breaks in the clouds in the shape of whales and fish reveal a blue-green phytoplankton bloom in the water. A drawing of a satellite in the in the center right. Text reads Earth Day Water Touches Everything. The NASA logo and National Aeronautics and Space Administration and are included in the left corner.

Celebrate Earth Day with NASA and GLOBE

Date: 04/18/2024 - 04/22/2024
Location: virtual

An artist’s rendition of a satellite view of the ocean covered with swirling clouds. Breaks in the clouds in the shape of whales and fish reveal a blue-green phytoplankton bloom in the water. A drawing of a satellite in the in the center right. Text reads Earth Day Water Touches Everything. The NASA logo and National Aeronautics and Space Administration and are included in the left corner.

On 22 April, The GLOBE Program will celebrate its 29th anniversary with the annual Earth Day broadcast at 11 am ET (15:00 UTC). Join the live stream to celebrate GLOBE’s achievements and all the remarkable work from members and students in the past year.

If you are in or near Washington, D.C., NASA is hosting an Earth Day event at NASA Headquarters, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ET on 18-19 April. The event includes science presentations, hands on activities, and an immersive exhibit of Earth from space.

Visit at:
Mary W. Jackson NASA HQ
East Lobby/ 300E. St SW
Washington DC
 Closest Metro: Federal Center SW

If you plan to stay closer to home, you can host your own Earth Day event with NASA’s Earth Day Everywhere Toolkit. Supported by NASA science, the kit includes activities, demonstrations, handouts, posters, videos, and more.
