NAML - Header

NASA@ My Library

NAML - Intro

Welcome to GLOBE Observer!

You may have recently received a summer science activity packet through your local library's participation in the NASA@ My Library project. Included in that packet are several printed activity guides as well as a clip-on microscope for taking observations of mosquito larvae through the GLOBE Observer app. On this page, you will find guidance for getting started with the app, joining the NASA@ My Library Team, and links to additional resources and activities to extend your STEM@ Home experience throughout the summer and year round!

NAML - Accordion

First, in order to use the GLOBE Observer app, you will need a smart device with an internet connection.

  1. Install the GLOBE Observer App
    Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play
  2. Open the app and register for a GLOBE Observer account using a valid email address. Your password will be sent to the provided email address.
  3. Log in to the app using the email address and password provided.
  4. Join the NASA@ My Library Team:
    • After logging in to the app, select the gear icon in the upper right to access the settings menu.
    • Scroll down and select the "Join a GLOBE Team" button.
    • Select the blank space to the right of "Referral code: " to bring up the device keyboard.
    • Enter the team code: GLIDEVQX
    • Select "Join Team"

Congratulations! You are now ready to take observations with GLOBE Observer as part of the NASA@ My Library Team! The GLOBE Observer app has detailed instructions to walk you through taking observations of mosquito habitats. Additional resources are available through this link and a selection of those resources are presented below.


Mosquitoes can’t be seen from satellites in space. But the warm, moist conditions they prefer can be observed by NASA satellites. Climate and weather conditions can suggest to scientists where to expect spikes in mosquito populations during the year. But we don’t know for sure what is happening without observations on the ground. By reporting possible mosquito habitats using the GLOBE Observer app, you are helping NASA scientists doing satellite-based research with highly targeted local ground-based observations. You are also helping to make your community safer by getting rid of standing water where mosquitoes can breed. Learn more about mosquito science here.

Below are a select few resources that we believe will help you begin your journey as a citizen scientist taking mosquito observations with GLOBE Observer.

YouTube Thumbnail

Build a Larvae Trap Video Demo:

YouTube video demonstration of the Build a Larvae Trap activity.


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Using the app to describe your mosquito habitat site:

Learn how to use the GLOBE Observer app Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool. (3 MB PDF)


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Using the Macrolens:

Learn how to effectively use the clip-on microscope provided in your summer science activity kit (1 MB PDF)


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Identifying Specimens:

Learn how to identify larval mosquito specimens with the help of the macro lens. (2 MB PDF)


NAML - More to Explore

More to Explore

Just because your summer science activity packet provided activities and tools to help you make mosquito habitat observations doesn't mean you should stop there! As a registered GLOBE Observer, you are welcome to explore the rest of this site to learn more about the resources available to observers, educators, and scientists. We invite you to explore more of our resources for STEM at Home, make other types of observations and check out the Family Cloud Challenge list of activities and videos you can do, watch, and interact with as a family to see how many you can complete!