Eclipse Data - 14 October 2023

For time-limited events such as eclipses, we have pulled curated data sets that might be useful for a variety of people, and could save time in accessing the data. See below for air temperature, clouds, land cover, and wind data sets pulled for the date of 14 October 2023.

For the datasets below, the GLOBE Application Programming Interface (API) was used to retrieve the data, specifically the option to get data constrained by a GeoJSON shape. The shape where the app was visible for the 2023 eclipse was used for the data retrieval. Data are made available in a GeoJSON file format directly from the API, and also converted into comma separated value (CSV) and Excel (XLSX) file formats. The CSV and XLSX files have some additional columns for each data point as described in the documentation below. The XLSX format preserves some formatting that may make the files easier to work with. You can also go to the day of the eclipse pre-filtered on the GLOBE Visualization System.