Observer News


Asset Publisher

Science Is Better Together: 2020 Community Cloud Challenge
Rather than treating it as a competition this year, we’re asking you to participate in learning, observing, creating or engaging with GLOBE as a cloud observer. After all, when it comes right down to it, citizen science is just as much about engaging and learning about the science as it is about collecting data.  >>

NASA GLOBE Clouds 2020 Summer Update
The NASA GLOBE Clouds team would like to thank citizen scientist Ms. Carmen Mandel. Because of her diary of cloud observations, she was able to pinpoint for the team instances when satellite matching was not working properly. The issues have been resolved thanks to you Ms. Mandel!  >>

GLOBE Database Receives 15,000th NASA GLOBE Observer Tree Height Observation in April 2020
In April 2020, the GLOBE database received its 15,000th NASA GLOBE Observer Trees Tool tree height observation. The 15,000 observations have come from over 8,000 observation locations around the world.  >>

Introducing the Clouds Wizard on GLOBE Observer
Have you had questions about how to identify cloud types in GLOBE Observer? “Is that a cirrocumulus or an altocumulus cloud? Or maybe it’s a cirrus cloud?” Sound familiar? You are not alone! Many volunteer observers have asked for help, and we heard you. We are pleased to introduce a new GLOBE Observer feature, the Clouds Wizard.  >>

GLOBE Observer Joins GLOBE on Social Media
GLOBE Observer will be merging with GLOBE’s Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and Instagram account on March 1, 2020.  >>

A Few Trees Tool Rules that Any Good Observer Should Follow
With the NASA GLOBE Observer Trees Tool, users locate, measure, and photograph trees with their smartphones. There are several things that are extremely vital when taking your tree height observations.  >>

New resources to support research
GLOBE has been hard at work behind the scenes creating new tools and resources to make it even easier to use GLOBE data in your research. Learn more about the new resources GLOBE has launched in the last year to make it easier to do your science.  >>

GLOBE Observer Highlights 2019
Over the course of 2019, you helped us collect data, observe an eclipse, GO on a Trail, do research, and make new friends.  >>

GLOBE Fall Cloud Challenge Rakes in the Observations
The GLOBE Fall Cloud Observation Challenge brought in more than 45,000 observations from citizen scientists in more than 17,000 locations in 93 countries on every continent — including Antarctica.  >>

Who Cares About Trees and Tree Height? We ALL Should!
“Tree height is a function of desirable site conditions, species parameters, and competition. The goal for a tree is to develop its leaf surface area to maximize its ability to produce energy  >>