Observer Events


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Earth Science Week Talk: Equity and Environmental Justice
Dr. Yaítza Luna-Cruz one of NASA's leaders heading the agency's environmental justice initiatives, will give a presentation titled "Equity and Environmental Justice." All are welcome to attend.  >>

GLOBE Observer Connect: October 2023
Join us for October's GLOBE Observer Connect to discuss the upcoming annular solar eclipse, including how eclipses changes Earth’s atmosphere and how animals respond to those changes.  >>

GLOBE Observer Connect: September 2023
Join us on 14 September at 8 pm ET (0:00 UTC on 15 Sep.) for GLOBE Observer Connect, a monthly series of short conversations about GLOBE data, science, and the latest updates. Our topic for September is GLOBE data quality and satellite matching.  >>

Webinar: Little GLOBE Voices - Science Inquiry with Elementary Children
Are you looking for ways to engage young learners with science inquiry? Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito team and guest speaker, GLOBE Educator Beatrice Oyange, from Mombasa, Kenya, to hear how she uses GLOBE Observer and scientific inquiry with elementary students in the classroom and beyond.  >>

GLOBE Observer Connect: August 2023
Join us for the 10 August GLOBE Observer Connect conversation with Holli Kohl and Kristen Weaver about the latest updates to GLOBE Observer, including new material for the upcoming eclipses and activity guides for libraries and camps, and hear about the GLOBE Annual Meeting.  >>

GLOBE Observer Connect: July 2023
Join us on 13 July at 8 pm ET (0:00 UTC on 14 July) for GLOBE Observer Connect, a monthly series of short conversations about GLOBE data, science, and the latest updates. Our topic for July is Fire in the Sky, presented by Samantha Borah, a graduate student at Sitting Bull College, and Marilé Colón Robles, GLOBE Clouds lead.  >>

Webinar: Time Traveling with Trees - The NASA Moon Trees Program
Join us for a look back to the Apollo 14 Moon Trees Program and a look forward to the Artemis Mission Moon Trees Program. In this webinar, we will also take a look at the timeline of tree observations from the early 1970's through today and how space observation of trees and land cover has changed with the advancement of technology and the need to look at change over time.  >>

GLOBE Observer Connect: June 2023
Join us for this month’s GLOBE Observer Connect to learn more about the Apollo 14 and Artemis I Moon Trees, and the upcoming NASA Moon Trees Quest.  >>

Webinar: Looking at Land Cover and River Deltas with the NASA Delta-X Mission
Join us for the next exciting Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar to hear Dr. Marc Simard, Senior Research Scientist and Principal Investigator for the NASA Delta-X Mission, at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California USA. During this webinar, Dr. Simard will discuss how river deltas and their wetlands are drowning as a result of sea level rise and reduced sediment inputs and how the Delta-X mission determines which parts will survive and continue to grow, and which parts will be lost.  >>

Moon Trees and You: From Apollo to Artemis with GLOBE Observer Trees
Learn about the relationship between the Apollo 14 Moon Trees (1971), the NASA Artemis Mission, and the GLOBE Program’s Trees tool in this webinar as part of Digital Learning Week.  >>

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