Observer Events


Asset Publisher

POSTPONED - Trees Challenge 2020: Make Every Tree Count
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the 25th anniversary of the GLOBE Program, GLOBE Observer is hosting a month-long citizen science challenge in April 2020. Volunteers are invited to measure the height of as many different trees as possible throughout the month using the Trees tool in the GLOBE Observer app. The individuals, schools, and registered teams that measure the most trees will be recognized as top observers in the challenge. Learn more on the challenge webpage.  >>

Trees Challenge 2020 Webinar
For our education partners interested in incorporating the Trees 2020 Challenge: Make Every Tree Count into their Earth Day planning, we are offering an informational webinar on February 19th at 2:00 pm EST/19:00 UTC. This webinar (an hour and a half long) will introduce a package of resources to support informal educators and GLOBE schools. The package includes information about trees and NASA science, connections to local tree science relevant to your community, ideas about how to manage a Trees challenge, learning activities, and other resources. The webinar will be recorded and provided for reference on the challenge website,  >>