Girl Scouts - GLOBE Observer
Girl Scouts Guide
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Girl Scouts has teamed up with SciStarter to curate projects and provide training and support for girls, volunteers, and others to deepen their engagement in citizen science and explore outdoor STEM. GLOBE Observer is one of the projects that Girl Scouts can do as part of the Girl Scout Climate Challenge (GLOBE Clouds), Girl Scout Tree Promise (GLOBE Trees), and Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey (GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Clouds). Learn more at and watch the SciStarter LIVE: Citizen Science for Girl Scouts webinar.
Girl Scouts can use the GLOBE Observer app to complete their Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey . The resources on this page are designed to help troop leaders lead the first two meetings. Use the Getting Started guide to add the Journey to your year plan and register for a SciStarter account. Once your troop chooses a protocol that interests them, use the corresponding resources to lead the meetings. Watch the video together as a troop or simply use the video for ideas on how to lead your own program. The script and presentation may be used independently if you wish to lead the program yourself. Explore the case studies to see how other troops have adapted these resources. For more activities and resources, check out the rest of the Toolkit for Informal Educators which is organized by protocol.
Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey: Getting Started
This guide for Girl Scout Troop Leaders covers how to add a Journey to your year plan and create a SciStarter account.
Resources by protocol
Video: Girl Scouts & GLOBE Observer: Think Like a Citizen Scientist with Clouds
Description: The video guides Girl Scouts to take the first step in being a critical part of a growing citizen science project, by exploring what it means to think like a citizen scientist, learning about the Clouds tool in the GLOBE Observer app, and practicing identifying different types of clouds.
Download video file (MP4, 30:15, 2.88 GB)
Download caption file (SRT, 35 KB)
Download presentation slides (PPT, 17.6 MB)
Mosquito Habitat Mapper
Video: Girl Scouts & GLOBE Observer: Think Like a Citizen Scientist with Mosquito Habitats
Description: The video guides Girl Scouts to take the first step in being a critical part of a growing citizen science project, by learning about what it means to think like a citizen scientist, learning about the Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool in the GLOBE Observer app, and making their own mosquito trap to catch and observe mosquito larvae. Girl Scouts’ observations play an important role in identifying mosquitoes that carry disease, which could help prevent mosquito-borne illnesses.
Download video file (MP4, 33:57, 2.57 GB)
Download caption file (SRT, 27 KB)
Download presentation slides (PPT, 15.7 MB)
Land Cover
Video: Girl Scouts & GLOBE Observer: Think Like a Citizen Scientist with Land Cover
Description: The video guides Girl Scouts to take the first step in being a critical part of a growing citizen science project, by learning about what it means to think like a citizen scientist, learning about the Land Cover tool in the GLOBE Observer app, and practicing their land cover classification skills.
Download video file (MP4, 25:52, 2.51 GB)
Download caption file (SRT, 31 KB)
Download presentation slides (PPT, 14.6 MB)
Tree Height
Video: Girl Scouts & GLOBE Observer: Think Like a Citizen Scientist with Trees
Description: The video guides Girl Scouts to take the first step in being a critical part of a growing citizen science project, by learning about what it means to think like a citizen scientist, exploring the Trees tool in the GLOBE Observer app, and making their own paper clinometer.
Download video file (MP4, 36:38, 837 MB)
Download caption file (SRT, 51 KB)
Download presentation slides (PPT, 15.7 MB)
Case Studies

Case Study: Girl Scouts - Pivoting to Virtual for COVID-19
During 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused many people to stay home from school, work, and afterschool activities, like Girl Scouts. While people were increasingly spending more time at home, they were looking for programs to engage young people that could be done virtually. In response to the pandemic, GLOBE Observer worked with a variety of Girl Scouts councils for virtual programming, and developed online resources to lead the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey with GLOBE Observer.