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Do GLOBE Observer

What is GLOBE Observer?

When you download the GLOBE Observer app, you join the community of the GLOBE Program - citizen scientists, students, and teachers in 125+ countries around the world contributing to Earth System science research.

GLOBE Observer logo


Your observations:

  • Help monitor the conditions of clouds, water (especially as a habitat for mosquitoes), plants (trees and other land cover), and see change over time.

  • Can be used to help interpret NASA and other satellite data.

  • Are available for anyone to view and explore, including fellow citizen scientists and professional and student researchers

We hope you will join us in observing the world around you with GLOBE!


Who can participate? Map of participating GLOBE countries

Anyone in a GLOBE country with a compatible mobile device can use GLOBE Observer. You can participate as an individual, at a GLOBE school, as GLOBE alumni, with your family, at an after school club or summer camp, at the local library, and more! You can even form a virtual GLOBE team to combine your observations with others, near or far. 


How do I begin?

GLOBE Observer app iconTo get started, download the app, register with an email address (you can also register using a web form), then go outside and follow the prompts in the app to observe your environment. Children under the age of 13 should be supervised by an adult.  Always follow the rules and restrictions in your area and guidelines from your local officials, and only participate in GLOBE activities or use the GLOBE Observer app when it is safe to do so.


What other resources are available?The GLOBE Program logo

For formal educators and classroom teachers, we recommend you check out the full resources of the GLOBE Program. You can learn more about creating a teacher account, eTraining and in-person training opportunities, and access the extensive Teacher’s Guide and library of classroom activities. For younger students, Elementary GLOBE is a series of age-appropriate storybooks to introduce young one to Earth science topics.

 Toolkit for Informal Educators
For informal educators (interpreters, librarians, museum docents, scout leaders, etc.), we suggest you begin with our Toolkit for Informal Educators. We’ve collected activities, videos, booklists, and promotional materials to help you lead a program in your setting.


For individual observers looking to learn more, we’ve collected additional information about taking observations, science background, and a resources library of videos, books, activities, and more. Simply select a button below to see the resources related to each tool. We also have periodic data collection challenges that focus on collecting data of a particular type or in a particular place (or series of places).

Choose Your Protocol - DO GLOBE Observer

Choose Your Data Collection Tool


Mosquito Habitat Mapper

Land Cover


Total Eclipse: Temperature and Clouds