Mosquito Activities - GLOBE Observer
Find mosquito-related activities to integrate into carts, demonstrations, classes and more.

As a companion activity to the Beyond the Bite disease guide, Infection Detection challenges players to solve medical mysteries involving mosquito-borne diseases. Working in small groups (three or four), one player assumes the role of the patient, the others work together as a team of doctors. The doctors must employ several strategies and use related resources to diagnose the patient’s disease. This approach not only taps into the popularity and high degree of engagement associated with solving mysteries but also integrates several basic science practices: asking questions, interpreting data, constructing explanations, engaging in arguments from evidence, and evaluating information.

Mosquito Larvae Hunters Facilitator’s Guide
This Facilitator’s Guide is designed to support your commitment to continued learning. This guide contains answers, suggestions, support, assistance, explanations, definitions, strategies, standards, resources, skills, insights, help, applications, tools, and references to accompany the Mission Mosquito Larvae Hunters Guide.
Website for the Mission Mosquito Larvae Hunters Facilitator’s Guide

Completing the guide prepares you to participate in GLOBE Mission Mosquito. This international field campaign is connecting citizen scientists of all ages to monitor changes in the frequency, range, and distribution of potential disease vector mosquitoes by reporting observations using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper.
Build a Mosquito Trap - Activity Guide
An activity guide to build a simple trap to capture mosquito eggs and larvae using recycled and inexpensive materials, including suggestions for incorporating the activity into programming.
Lead a walk and look for potential mosquito habitats, eliminating them along the way.
Related Activity: Conducting a Mosquito Habitat Survey (PDF)

Mosquito Larvae Hunters: Level 1 Training
This activity helps build the skills and knowledge required for finding and identifying mosquito larvae specimens.

Mosquito Larvae Hunters: Level 2 Training
This resource serves as a guided key to visual identification of mosquito larvae species.

Mosquito Proboscis: Mechanics of a Bite
An activity to teach how mosquitoes use their proboscis to bite, including a diagram, video, and poem. This is one of the activities from the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook.
Mosquito Proboscis: Mechanics of a Bite (PDF)
Website with the rest of the Mission Mosquito Science Notebook
Mosquito Habitats and Hideouts Activity
Gain familiarity with the variety of container mosquito habitats, hideouts, and life cycle stages with these games! Mosquito Habitats and Hideouts can be played three different ways: Bingo, Name That Habitat, or Sketch That Habitat.

From Satellites to Your Backyard - GPM Precipitation Data
Precipitation impacts mosquito populations, and one way to measure precipitation is from satellites, including some of NASA's more than two dozen Earth-observing satellites. This activity will show you how to access NASA precipitation data for your specific location.

Mission Mosquito Science Notebook
This guided exploration notebook introduces learners to using scientific notebooks to make observations and ask questions, while also incorporating information and activities that build relevant background knowledge, confidence in independent learning and research, and engagement in science. At the website link, you can download PDF versions of the notebook in full color or black and white, as well as a companion guide for parents and facilitators.
Observation Stations are typically 2' concrete stickers, from which citizen scientists can take observations using the GLOBE Observer app. Observing from a station provides additional information that allows our team to study things like change over time or the accuracy of the app. Download the template file and check out the Facilitator's Guide for guidance on customizing and placing your stations.

Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge Photo Tips Handout
This handout describes the process of taking mosquito habitat and land cover observations during the Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge, and gives tips about how to take high-quality mosquito larvae photos.
Step-by-Step Mosquito Habitat Mapper Tutorial
Step-by-step illustrated guide to collecting specimens and observations with the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper.