Clouds Activities - GLOBE Observer
Find cloud-related activities to integrate into carts, demonstrations, classes and more.
Cloud Clues - Determining a Cloud's Opacity
Categorize various materials by opacity and understand why cloud opacity matters. Add a light sensor to measure how much light passes through the materials.
Create a cloud collage and ask your friends to guess the percentage of cloud cover. Expand or adapt this activity by printing photos of the sky and asking participants to identify the cloud coverage.
See a video demonstration of Estimating Cloud Cover as a family activity (YouTube)

Cloud Dance: Embodying Cloud Types Through Movement
Learners will learn to identify and describe the three main categories of clouds—cirrus, cumulus, and stratus—by embodying their characteristics through guided dance movements. This activity combines physical movement with cloud science to reinforce learners' understanding of cloud types in a fun and engaging way. The advanced version adds cloud prefixes and concepts about rain clouds to include all ten main cloud types used in GLOBE data collection.
First Steps of the Cloud Dance: Embodying Clouds Types Through Movement (PDF)
Create a cloud using rubbing alcohol and an air pump and investigate it using a laser.
You can also do this demonstration using water, ice and a match.
Observation Stations are typically 2' concrete stickers, from which citizen scientists can take observations using the GLOBE Observer app. Observing from a station provides additional information that allows our team to study things like change over time or the accuracy of the app. Download the template file and check out the Facilitator's Guide for guidance on customizing and placing your stations.

Pacing Guide: Cloud Types Featuring NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE
A pacing guide for educators with one week's worth of content related to the question, "What are the different types of clouds in Earth’s atmosphere?" Includes relevant standards, background information, activities, and assessment options. Grade level: 3-6

Pacing Guide: Clouds and Energy Budget
A pacing guide for educators with one week's worth of content related to the question, "What is the role of clouds in Earth’s energy budget?" Includes relevant standards, background information, activities, and assessment option. Grade level: 6-12