Observer Events


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Webinar: Using NASA Satellite Data to Predict and Respond to Water-related and Vector-borne Diseases
Come learn how and why NASA satellite data is being used to predict the onset of water-related and vector-borne diseases as well as to inform operational users so they can respond to outbreaks. During this telecon, we will have NASA scientists share research that is being done to learn more about malaria transmission in the western Amazon basin as well as cholera outbreaks in various locations.  >>

Mosquito Habitat Mapper Facebook Live de Perú
Aprenda cómo usted puede contribuir a esta campaña de ciencia ciudadana a nivel mundial este martes en el evento en directo de NASA GLOBE Observer’s Facebook’s Live (transmitido desde Lima, Perú). También, esté listo para hacer sus preguntas al equipo internacional durante la emisión -- use: #NASAGO  >>

Webinars: Mosquito Habitat Mapper
Museums and Science Centers: You are invited to join us for one of two webinars to learn more about the GLOBE Observer's app new Mosquito Habitat Mapper (MHM).  >>

Facebook Live
Ever wonder how an app for NASA is developed? Learn how in a special Facebook Live event.  >>

GLOBE Observer Featured in "The Crowd & the Cloud"
GLOBE Observer is proud to be featured in The Crowd & The Cloud, a new 4-part documentary about the power of citizen science.  >>

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