00:17:55 Jennifer - Suffern Free Library: Be prepared for high demand for eclipse glasses 00:17:58 Andy Flynt - Spartanburg County Public Libraries: Have an inside viewing option 00:17:59 Analiza, Laredo Public Library: Ask the sun to come out. No rain. 00:18:02 Kristen Weaver: Be prepared for clouds! 00:18:06 Basia Gawin (USFWS; she/her): Reacted to "Ask the sun to come ..." with 😂 00:18:07 Jessica - Butterfield Library: Rain plan. 00:18:07 Beth Hornig (Somerset County Library): Reacted to "Ask the sun to come ..." with 👍 00:18:09 Chris - GCLD: Attempt to host a program prior to the eclipse to share information about the app and materials; plan B for weather 00:18:15 Wendy O'Brien, Richmond Public Library: I wish I had planned more adult activities along with the kids program. 00:18:16 Jeremy Holtgrave: Get the word out as soon as possible about the timeline. Eclipses wait for no one… 00:18:19 Sonya Harsha - Algona: Practice more for the Citizen Science participation element. 00:18:20 Jacqueline LaFreniere, Beaver Island District Library: Make sure you have a plan B in case of poor weather conditions. We had the online coverage on the TV. 00:18:23 joan: Have indoor activities planned also 00:18:28 Gloria ( Montbello Library): Be able to use the equipment that was sent to use and teach people how to use it 00:18:31 Faseeh Sheikh Bethany Library: Plan ahead of time at least 3-4 months ahead. Bring snacks and water cuz its long. and be sure to have the proper gear to see and observe the eclipse. If you are observing be sure to bring paper/pen. 00:18:34 MaryKay Severino: Prior eclipse info events so people know about it a few weeks prior 00:18:36 Joyce Baker - Coolidge Pubic Library: Look for community partners. The eclipse occurred during our annual carnival. We were able to pass out glasses during the carnival. 00:18:36 Madelyne Bulow: We did an eclipse party, and SO many peple came. We are a very small library so we were not prepared for that many people. Maybe make a facebook invite or a way to gauge how many are coming 00:18:37 Lisa Youngblood (Stewart C. Meyer Harker Heights Public Library): Our publicity was great, but it still was not enough. We still had SO MANY people say that they had NO IDEA until the day before that an event is cming. 00:18:41 Beth Hornig (Somerset County Library): Reacted to "Attempt to host a pr..." with 👍 00:18:44 teressa Black: plan for traffic congestion 00:18:47 Gloria ( Montbello Library): Have activities for all ages 00:18:50 Beth Hornig (Somerset County Library): Reacted to "Get the word out as ..." with 👍 00:18:50 Mary Anne Johnson, Comfort PL, TX: Be prepared for much larger crowds for the April Total Eclipse. The Local businesses here were disappointed in the crowds for the Annular Eclipse (that I called the "dress rehearsal") 00:18:56 Beth Hornig (Somerset County Library): Reacted to "Practice more for th..." with 👍 00:19:06 Chris - GCLD: Homeschool connection - since this will occur on a school day in April 00:19:18 Beth Hornig (Somerset County Library): Reacted to "Plan ahead of time a..." with 👍 00:19:28 Madelyne Bulow: We did crafts, games, and outdoor activities. We also had our yard game collection available and ready prior to the eclipsew 00:19:30 MaryKay Severino: Check to see if your school district is closing early - you might end up with a big crowd! 00:19:34 Faseeh Sheikh Bethany Library: Dress Reherrsal seems neat. 00:19:39 Faseeh Sheikh Bethany Library: Dress Reherrsal seems neat. 00:19:46 Sarah V - Musuem of Science, Boston: Set expectations if you’re not in path of totality…people may not know what the eclipse will look like from *your* location 00:20:09 Beth Hornig (Somerset County Library): Reacted to "Homeschool connectio..." with 👍 00:20:31 michaelkaspar: I wish I would have known I needed to get some kind of certification for the glasses. I gave out 200 glasses and they wouldn’t use them because they didn’t know whether they were safe to use or not. (They were.). Dress rehearsal is a great idea. 00:20:35 Basia Gawin (USFWS; she/her): Reacted to "Be prepared for much..." with 👍 00:20:35 Gina - Miami-Dade Public Library System: be prepared to chase the sun in case its overcats 00:20:39 Gina - Miami-Dade Public Library System: *cast 00:21:25 Michelle Morris, Fort Worth (TX) Public Library: Reacted to "Set expectations if ..." with 👍 00:21:31 Lisa Youngblood (Stewart C. Meyer Harker Heights Public Library): Some areas in Texas are afraid that people will be underestimating April attendance because of the attendance at the Annular event. 00:21:37 Michelle Morris, Fort Worth (TX) Public Library: Reacted to "We did crafts, games..." with 👍 00:21:42 Michelle Morris, Fort Worth (TX) Public Library: Reacted to "Homeschool connectio..." with 👍 00:22:26 Susan Powell - Bluestem - Grayson County: Ditto on the issue about using the glasses - our organization was concerned about liability if the children used the glasses incorrectly 00:22:39 Faseeh Sheikh Bethany Library: Yaya for total eclipse 2024 00:28:59 Jennifer - Suffern Free Library: What is Land Cover? 00:29:38 Sarah V - Musuem of Science, Boston: Could you define the term “land cover”? 00:29:58 Theresa Schwerin: Land cover is what is on the land - vegetation, buildings…etc. 00:30:33 Jennifer - Suffern Free Library: Reacted to "Land cover is what i..." with 👍 00:30:41 Theresa Schwerin: https://observer.globe.gov/do-globe-observer/land-cover 00:34:08 Susan Powell - Bluestem - Grayson County: The zoom host can mute the observers and selectively unmute the presenters 00:34:16 Sarah V - Musuem of Science, Boston: Reacted to "The zoom host can mu..." with ❤️ 00:34:23 Faseeh Sheikh Bethany Library: Launch day on April 8th :3 LOL XD 00:34:55 Dillon Willhelm: Reacted to "The zoom host can mu..." with ❗ 00:35:06 Kristen Weaver: Email me at kristen.l.weaver@nasa.gov for any questions or issues that come up. Including if you are having any technical issues related to using the app! 00:35:15 Theresa Schwerin: Reacted to "Email me at kristen...." with ❤️ 00:35:58 Kristen Weaver: We are planning some additional supporting materials, including a printable how-to guide and a paper air temperature data collection sheet, which will we hope will support the programming you have planned! 00:36:23 Basia Gawin (USFWS; she/her): Reacted to "We are planning some..." with 👍 00:38:11 Mary Anne Johnson, Comfort PL, TX: Reacted to "We are planning some..." with 👍 00:38:48 Kim Whittemore - Greece: Do we need to submit GLOBE Eclipse temperature observations in real time or can we capture the date on paper then submit the observations later? 00:39:18 Emily Hoover (Kokomo-Howard County Public Library): Reacted to "We are planning so..." with 👍 00:39:36 Basia Gawin (USFWS; she/her): Reacted to "Do we need to submit..." with 👍 00:41:13 Basia Gawin (USFWS; she/her): ^yes! I have a similar question. Do these apps work offline or do you need a network connection? We don't have great service here, and we're worried about the network being overwhelmed, especially in an emergency situation. 00:42:06 Lisa Youngblood (Stewart C. Meyer Harker Heights Public Library): Our Library thoroughly enjoyed being a Data Collector. We were able to get a lot of patrons engaged. 00:42:17 Theresa Schwerin: There is a way to collect the GLOBE eclipse data with the app offline and then submit later when connected. 00:42:23 Theresa Schwerin: Reacted to "Our Library thorough..." with ❤️ 00:42:34 Jozefa DeWitt District Library: What is an Audio Moth Recorder? 00:42:43 Basia Gawin (USFWS; she/her): Reacted to "There is a way to co..." with 👍 00:44:53 Analiza, Laredo Public Library: It should be put outside 24 hours beforehand, correct? 00:46:04 michaelkaspar: I have an audio moth, but, really need help using it. Unfortunately, I need very specific directions. 00:46:08 Emily Hoover (Kokomo-Howard County Public Library): Can we still apply to receive the audio moth recorder or has the deadline passed? 00:46:10 Jozefa DeWitt District Library: Can we apply to loan one ? 00:48:23 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "Can we apply to loan..." We (Eclipse Soundscapes) don’t have any to loan. But perhaps other libraries in their library of things? 00:49:48 Melissa, Oak Park Public Library: how do we access that google doc and/or a pdf of it? 00:50:29 Natalie (Tye Preston Memorial Library): Hello there, I had to join late because of staff shortages today. How do we obtain the recording for this webinar? I never had to register for the event, I just showed up! 00:50:36 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "I have an audio moth..." Hi, You should be able to follow the instructions on EclipseSoundscapes.org to add your firmware, set time, and then record in “default.” We are not recording using the more elaborate configuration options 00:51:33 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "It should be put out..." It should be put outside 2 days prior to the eclipse and then left out for 2 days afterwards 00:51:53 Analiza, Laredo Public Library: Replying to "It should be put out..." Great! Thank you. 00:53:36 hcasillas: Where can we see the soundscapes data for the eclipse? 00:55:00 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "Where can we see the..." We have started uploading the saw data here: https://arbimon.rfcx.org/project/eclipse-soundscapes-project 00:55:01 Kim Whittemore - Greece: When will we know if we are chosen to receive a soundscape Moth? 00:55:02 michaelkaspar: Replying to "I have an audio moth..." Ah, ok. Thank you, MaryKay. 00:55:44 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "When will we know if..." Mid February 🙂 00:55:57 Claire Ratcliffe Adams: Check out the Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries website from STAR Net here: https://www.starnetlibraries.org/about/our-projects/solar-eclipse-activities-libraries-seal/ 00:56:04 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "Where can we see the..." *raw data 00:56:05 Madelyne Bulow: So, how do we turn in our data. What is required of the data? 00:56:08 hcasillas: Replying to "Where can we see the..." thank you 00:56:35 Kim Whittemore - Greece: Reacted to "Mid February 🙂" with 👍 00:58:48 hcasillas: It seems like the starnetlibraries is down? Is anyone else experiencing that? 00:59:16 Shannon Grice, SEOL: Can this presentation be shared on here? 00:59:35 Madelyne Bulow: will we have access to the document on the screen? 00:59:58 Shannon Grice, SEOL: Reacted to "will we have access ..." with 👍 01:00:12 michaelkaspar: Replying to "I have an audio moth..." I imagine the day to be pretty chaotic…I sure agree about practicing. 01:01:38 Theresa Schwerin: Replying to "will we have access ..." Yes - will send out link to the doc and presentation slides with the recording (eta Thursday :-) 01:01:39 Analiza, Laredo Public Library: Sorry to say I dropped the ball the first time around with the Moth. 01:01:55 Emily Hoover (Kokomo-Howard County Public Library): Reacted to "Yes - will send ou..." with 👍 01:02:10 Basia Gawin (USFWS; she/her): Reacted to "Sorry to say I dropp..." with 🎱 01:02:51 Theresa Schwerin: I’ll send out an email tomorrow that includes links to the recording presentation slides and docs we’re sharing on the screen 01:03:12 Mary Anne Johnson, Comfort PL, TX: Thanks, Theresa! 01:08:27 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "Sorry to say I dropp..." We have another one in April! 😄 01:09:15 MaryKay - Eclipse Soundscapes: Replying to "So, how do we turn i..." Observer Role - Observations submitted via an online form. Data Collector - MicroSD card mailed to the ES team 01:10:55 Analiza, Laredo Public Library: This has been a great refresher. Thank you! 01:11:11 Natalie (Tye Preston Memorial Library): Replying to "I’ll send out an ema..." This webinar was forwarded to me, I would imagine the email will go out to the folks who are part of the newsletter? 01:11:20 Gloria ( Montbello Library): Thank you so much for creating the google doc ! I think it will help so much with planning 01:12:04 Mary Anne Johnson, Comfort PL, TX: Great refresher! Thanks, everyone! 01:12:05 Gloria ( Montbello Library): Thank you guys! 01:12:05 Erica Zamarripa: Thank you! 01:12:08 Susan Powell - Bluestem - Grayson County: sorry if this was already answered - when will we find out if we were selected to receive an audiomoth? 01:12:11 Susan Bunting: Thanks! 01:12:11 ademster: Thank you! 01:12:17 Jozefa DeWitt District Library: Thank you - very inspiring! 01:12:39 Lisa Youngblood (Stewart C. Meyer Harker Heights Public Library): Thank you everyone! 01:12:44 Harvey Fields: Thank you. looking forward to April. 01:12:45 Theresa Schwerin: Valerie! good to see you! 01:12:49 u125620: Thank you for all the information 01:12:55 hcasillas: thank you! 01:13:01 Emily Hoover (Kokomo-Howard County Public Library): Thank you! 01:13:06 Jacqueline LaFreniere, Beaver Island District Library: Thank you. Bye everyone 01:13:08 Valerie Ann Johnson (Shaw University): Much Appreciation for this information.